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What is delivery duty paid (DDP)?

When goods are bought or sold “Delivery Duty Paid” (DDP) it means that the Seller delivers the goods to a place previously agreed to by the seller and the buyer. This can be any location. The agreed place of delivery (e.g. the terminal) needs to be specifically named.

What is Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU)?

In the world of shipping, delivered duty unpaid (DDU) simply means that it's the customer's responsibility to pay for any of the destination country's customs charges, duties, or taxes. These must all be paid in order for customs to release the shipment after it arrives.

What if a buyer pays for all the work under DDP?

The buyer needs to remember that under DDP, although the seller is doing all the work, the buyer might end up paying for all of this as the seller’s product price will include all these charges.

Where can I use ShipBob's Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) solution?

ShipBob’s Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) solution, powered by FlavorCloud, is available throughout all dozens of fulfillment centers in the United States and United Kingdom (and even for brands with their own warehouse that use ShipBob’s in-house fulfillment solution, Merchant Plus, in the US).

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